Using technology to safeguard users and the environment

Since 2004, ECO-INNOV has been working alongside local authorities and businesses to reduce energy consumption related to lighting, while improving user safety. For this purpose, we design and market solar LED and extra low voltage lighting devices.

Energy efficient, these units offer real economic savings. Their interest is therefore ecological with a strong reduction in light pollution, but also aesthetic thanks to the many choices of colors and light animations that LEDs offer.

In cooperation with design offices and architects, we select the products and options most suited to your projects, advise on implementation, fitting and follow- up of the installations thanks to our network of local commercial agents. Our main customers are local authorities, private companies and installers.

ECO-INNOV is a founding member of ECOSYSTEM, an approved eco-organisation responsible for the collection and recycling of electrical and electronic equipment waste. ECO-INNOV is also a member of the SCRELEC eco-organisation responsible for the recovery of used batteries. More information can be found in the section on Recycling.

Our products incorporate multiple technological innovations in the fields of photovoltaics, electronics, energy storage, optics and mechanical engineering.

These innovations are a source of performance (light output, autonomy), durability (robustness, maintenance) and adaptability (customisation options).

LED technology is at the heart of our offering because of its remarkable properties: very low energy consumption, luminous efficiency, reliability and long service life.

Reduce your energy bills and your installation and maintenance costs!